Monday, February 2, 2009

HTML and CSS Validator

HTML Validator
HTML Validator was used to check whether having the problem in Your blog HTML. So you could visit the address After that will appear the markup validation services page. In text box address, input your blog address. After that will be put forward by results of the validation. You could see any part that experienced the problem, by knowing the problem you could as soon as possible to fix it.
CSS validator
If you liked to play with CSS in your blog, you also need this CSS validator because of you could know where the location of the mistake on CSS script that you made, you could visit the address of After that will be put forward by CSS validation Service, in text box address, input your blog address. Then will be put forward by results vallidasi CSS that was had by you. You could see any part that was wrong and fix it
READ MORE - HTML and CSS Validator